After seven weeks of working on the PR staff at Camp ASCCA, my time at camp has come to an end. I remember coming in for orientation anxious about what was in store, not knowing anyone, never having gone to summer camp and ready to begin my first PR job. I couldn’t have imagined the relationships I made with other staff, the interactions I had with our amazing campers and the ability to catch the magic of camp in my writing and the pictures I took.
My high of this summer was being “the camera lady” – being able to go to each program, interact with many counselors and campers each week, and capturing those little moments to be remembered forever. Before this summer, I did not have any camera experience and taking pictures was easily the best part of my job. It’s amazing to look back through the thousands of photos Sara, Clayton, April and I took this summer and seeing the personality of each of the campers shine through each image.
It’s hard to put into words the things I’ve learned from this experience, because if I really wanted to I could probably write a book (maybe one day). After asking many other staff members what they have learned, I can agree- always stay positive, don’t be afraid to try something new and don’t take for granted the things you have. My favorite thing about Camp ASCCA is the connections formed-in an hour, in a day, in a week- and the impact those people can have on your heart. Wednesday night when I couldn’t sleep and I was thinking about the end of camp I found a perfect quote; “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”- Leo Buscaglia.
Thank you to each and every person in the Camp ASCCA family, I will cherish this camp, our special bonds, and the beautiful memories of summer 2016 forever. In seven weeks I have not only grown professionally, but as a person as well. I strongly suggest the summer experience to anyone interested, it really will change your life.